NDSU will fully cover base tuition and mandatory student fees for eligible North Dakota and Minnesota students through spring 2027.
NDSU is a land grant institution committed to addressing the workforce needs of North Dakota and the region. We strive to support students in their pursuit of a career by providing an attainable, affordable and high-quality education.
For full consideration, students must meet the following criteria during the 2025-2026 academic year:
- Be a North Dakota or Minnesota resident receiving the in-state or reciprocity tuition rate
- Be a new, first year or transfer degree-seeking student beginning Summer or Fall 2025, or a returning NDSU student who first enrolled at NDSU in Summer 2024, Fall 2024 or Spring 2025
- Have a Student Aid Index (SAI) of 7000 or less and be Pell-eligible as reported on the 2025-2026 FAFSA
- Enroll full-time (12+ credits per semester) for fall and spring semesters
- Be in good academic standing and meet Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP)
- Be pursuing first bachelor’s degree
- Not be in default on a state or federal student loan
- Be a U.S. Citizen or Permanent Resident
- Submit the FAFSA by the following deadlines based on your start term:
- Spring 2025 - February 10
- Fall 2025 - September 22
- Spring 2026 - February 9
How It Works
The Tuition Award Program is a “last-dollar” program. It will be applied to cover the remaining balance of base tuition and mandatory student fees after all other scholarships, grants, and tuition waivers have been applied. This program does not cover differential tuition, housing and meal costs. For example:
- An eligible student from North Dakota enrolls full-time in fall semester, totaling to $5,528.50 in base tuition and fees.
- The student receives $2,500 in grants and $1,500 in scholarships, leaving $1,528.50 to be covered.
- The Tuition Award Program will cover the remaining $1,528.50 after all other grants and scholarships are applied.
Application Process for New Students
- Apply for Fall 2025 admission (currently enrolled NDSU students do not need to re-apply for admission)
- Complete the 2025-2026 Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) by the deadline listed under Eligibility
Renewal Options
This program is currently available to eligible students through Spring 2027. NDSU is exploring options for continued funding.
Report External Scholarships and Awards
New and returning students should promptly notify Financial Aid and Scholarships of any scholarships or awards that will be coming from organizations outside of NDSU:
- Log in to Campus Connection
- From the Student Homepage, click the Financial Aid tile
- Select the appropriate Aid Year by clicking Change on the left side bar
- Click Outside Aid on the left side bar
- Click the Plus Sign
- Enter the following:
- Award: Select from the drop-down menu or select Other
- Category: Select Scholarship
- Award Description: Who will the money be coming from for example: Dollars for Scholars, Smith Family Foundation, etc.
- Amount
- Click Submit in the upper right corner
- Click Yes to confirm
Frequently Asked Questions
What is “gift aid”?
Generally speaking, gift aid refers to financial assistance students receive that does not have to be repaid. The National Association of Student Financial Aid Administrators (NAFSAA) defines gift aid on their website.
What does “Pell-eligible” mean?
Pell-eligible refers to eligibility for the Federal Pell Grant. Students pursuing their first bachelor’s degree and show high financial need on the FAFSA application may be eligible for the Federal Pell Grant if additional factors are met. The FAFSA application is required to determine eligibility for the Federal Pell Grant. Learn more about the Federal Pell Grant on our website.
What is the Student Aid Index (SAI)?
The SAI is calculated using information provided on the FAFSA, and is used to determine financial aid eligibility. Learn more on the Federal Student Aid website.
Am I required to submit the FAFSA to be considered?
Yes, the FAFSA application is required for consideration each year. The FAFSA application must be completed every year to determine financial aid eligibility.
When can I complete the FAFSA?
The 2025-2026 FAFSA application is currently available and NDSU has a FAFSA priority deadline of February 1. Our Federal FAFSA School Code is 002997.
What is the amount of this scholarship?
- This is a “last dollar” scholarship, meaning it is applied after all other gift aid is applied (ex: grants, scholarships, waivers from federal, state, institutional or external sources). Examples of gift aid include but are not limited to:
- Grants
- North Dakota State Grant
- Federal Pell Grant
- Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant (SEOG)
- Scholarships
- NDSU-funded (e.g., departmental, Foundation, athletics)
- External (e.g., high school and other community-based scholarships such as VFW or Dollars for Scholars)
- Tuition Waivers
- NDSU-funded (e.g., Cultural Diversity Tuition Waiver)
- State-mandated (e.g., Veteran dependent, ND National Guard, Law Enforcement)
- Third Party Payments
- Employment reimbursement or payment programs
- Military and Veteran benefits (i.e. Post-9/11 GI Bill Chapter 33)
- Grants
- The dollar amount of the scholarship program will vary depending on the amount of other gift aid received.
- If eligible, the program will cover base tuition and mandatory student fees for the fall and spring semesters. The program does not cover the New Student Fee, books, housing, meal plan or other miscellaneous charges.
When will I know if I’m receiving this scholarship?
If you meet the eligibility criteria outlined above, you will be considered for this scholarship program. NDSU hopes to provide a preliminary scholarship amount in Spring 2025 when financial aid award notices are sent. If you receive gift aid from other sources after you receive your financial aid award notice, the amount received through this scholarship program will be adjusted. In other words, the amount of this scholarship can change over time depending on a number of factors.
I’m a legal Minnesota resident. How do I know if I’m receiving the Minnesota reciprocity tuition rate?
An agreement between North Dakota and Minnesota makes students eligible for tuition comparable to resident tuition. Students graduating from a Minnesota high school who enroll at NDSU within 12 months of graduating automatically qualify for this rate. Transfer students, home-schooled students and students earning a GED must apply for this rate at www.ohe.state.mn.us. Students are welcome to email a screenshot of the application approval page to ndsu.registrar@lyhymh.net to expedite the update in our system. Learn more about the Minnesota reciprocity tuition rate on the NDSU One Stop and Minnesota Office of Higher Education websites.
I am an international student – am I eligible for this program?
No – International students are not eligible for federal financial aid and thus cannot complete the FAFSA. However, NDSU does offer some partial scholarships specifically for international undergraduate applicants. More information on these awards can be found on our international undergraduate scholarships page.
What if income levels of me or my family have changed since I submitted the FAFSA?
NDSU Financial Aid and Scholarships recognizes the information reported on your Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) may not reflect your current financial situation or ability to pay for educational expenses. If you are an undergraduate student and you or your family has experienced one or more of the special circumstances listed on our website, you may submit the Special Circumstance Form to have your financial aid eligibility re-evaluated. Generally, Special Circumstance Forms are based on drastic changes in a family’s financial situation. The Special Circumstance process does not include minor adjustments in a family’s income.
Are there any items not covered by the Tuition Award Program?
The Tuition Award Program covers only base tuition and the corresponding mandatory student fees. It does not cover the New Student Fee, books, housing, meal plan, or other miscellaneous charges. Other forms of financial aid (e.g., federal loans) may be used to address these expenses.
Since this scholarship only provides financial support for base tuition and mandatory student fees, are there other options to help cover additional NDSU costs such as housing, meal plan, and differential tuition?
External scholarships (non-NDSU scholarships), federal loans or private loans can be considered to cover additional college costs. We encourage you to review NDSU’s estimated cost of attendance on our website or connect with your Admission Counselor if you have questions.
Is there a deadline to be considered for this scholarship program?
Yes, please submit the FAFSA by the following deadlines based on your start term:
- Spring 2025 - February 10
- Fall 2025 - September 22
- Spring 2026 - February 9
I plan to enroll full-time (12+ credits) and some of my credits will be completed collaboratively through another institution. Am I still eligible for this program?
- Collaborative course enrollment will only count toward the full-time requirement for students enrolled in Bismarck Nursing, Elementary Education and Social Work undergraduate programs.
- Costs of all other collaborative course enrollment are not eligible to be covered by this program.
I plan to be a new NDSU student in 2026. Am I eligible for this program?
- This award is currently available to new students beginning Summer or Fall 2025, or returning NDSU students who first enrolled at NDSU in Summer 2024, Fall 2024 or Spring 2025. NDSU is exploring options for continued funding for subsequent terms.
Can I be eligible for the Tuition Award Program, but not receive an award?
Yes, this can happen if you meet the eligibility requirements but are receiving enough gift aid from other sources to cover the costs of base tuition and mandatory student fees.
Learn More
We’re ready to answer your questions. Contact your Admission Counselor to gather additional information about this scholarship.